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Kringe's Biography
It has been four years since Kringe opened up shop in Atlanta, one of the major music capitols of the world. It is the home of Shawn Mullins, Collective Soul, Marvelous 3, Lit, Cracker, R.E.M., The Black Crowes, and many others. Atlanta has been at the center of the new music revolution over the last few years with mainstream artists pouring out of its city limits. Kringe is a New Rock/Alternative band treading the path of so many before them. Kringe started in May of 1997 in a suburb just outside Atlanta. Jonathan Simpson and Jeremy Olmen were both avid guitar players and spent much time together while everyday nurturing the idea of starting a band and acting on their dreams. The month of May brought Jonathan's brother, Chris Simpson, and Shawn Diaz to the forefront of the idea. One night spent playing together and there was no doubt about it. Kringe had become a reality.
First Recordings
During the 2 years after the forming of the band, Kringe played many major venues in the Atlanta scene from relatively small coffee houses to enormous trade centers in front of as many as 2500 people. Playing a mixture of covers and original music, Kringe decided it was time to get in the studio and start recording an EP. After recording their first 3-song demo at Crash, Bang, Wallop! Studios, the band realized that their fan base was multiplying rapidly and they began being questioned about the release of an album. Kringe needed more original music. Even worse, their bass player, Chris Simpson, had retired from the band into the Air Force Academy. Leaving it up to Jeremy to find a replacement, Jonathan toured the country for the next 6 months writing the album meeting with Jeremy only once in Los Angeles to review the new music. During that time period, Jeremy and Shawn took on Jose Diaz (Shawn’s brother) as the new bass player for Kringe. Halfway through the recording process, Jeremy Olmen took a leave of absence to accept a new job offer. He rejoined after a few months more focused and as enthusiastic as ever. After almost a year of recording and mixing, Kringe’s debut album, "What Resists, Persists" was finally completed. The album is fairly diverse and its sound is similar to that of the Goo Goo Dolls with an added slighter harder edge. editor, Eric Shea, notes that their "Singer sounds like the front man for Third Eye Blind."

Kringe's Debut Album
Soon the plan for replication and distribution will take place. The album consists of pop-rock songs such as "Obsession Girl" and "Alone", yet also includes the shattering guitar sounds of "Bungle" and "Stride". The acoustic, sonically rich sounds of "Wrong" and "Walking Away" even the record out nicely. The album is out now fans can pick up an autographed copy at a performance, or, buy it online off of the website. Buy CD

Kringe's Special Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Diaz, who's house we practice in until ungodly hours of the night, at volumes that wake the dead. We are forever indebted to the Diaz Family. Also to Ben.. my hair is still at home. I'll try to remember it next time. Our faithful groupies (in order of appearance), Tony (R.I.P.), Craig (we think you should donate your pool table to the band), Brent, Andrea (in my opinion the band babe, thanks for the harbins party, PS nice tattoo..), Tyler Fitzpatrick, Chris Nashon, Willie (I'm not even gonna TRY and spell your last name), Justin Hatchet, Danae, Wynter, Noah, Lynn, KFC, and little hangers on like Corey.. (will you *GO AWAY* already?), and the coolest guy in the world, BIG Tony... we need to write some songs about your stories, and Memo Also to people who probably don't know that they've influenced the band in the last four years, such as: Jessica Satterfield, Bethany Bishop, Emily Carlton... All the top girls in our lives...